Happy Monday, everyone!
I hope, you had a great weekend.
We lost ten subscribers (net) since the last email and are now at 2,469 subs, it hurts, but I thought it would have been much more:
First, there was no newsletter in a while.
Second, I'm not the person people signed up for.
So let's change gears and start growing again!
Since taking over last week, I had to do some housekeeping first to direct the newsletter in the direction I want it to go.
Next to the Facebook group, we now have a new website, archiving all emails for you to go back to. Also, I wrote some articles (I will elaborate on the reasons in a subsequent email, hopefully with results).
Newsletter Directories
Additionally, I want to gather some valuable tools for us and started with a list of newsletter directories. I know, I know, newsletter directories are nothing new (and Codie, Ilona, and Olman already used and listed a few). HOWEVER, I went into the weeds and dug out EVERY.SINGLE.ONE., if you haven't already, you should definitely go and list your newsletter on all of those that make sense for you, because:
It is actually the only source where general newsletter interested folks will find you.
It will give your website backlinks.
GrowGetters grew in the time of absence from 2,346 to 2,489 because of the constant flow of exciting people from these directories (that means: nobody touched it, and it still grew!)
So, don't wait any longer and list your baby: Go to the full list.
In other news:
I'm going to start a referral program to give everyone the possibility to get exposure on here. The idea is to provide everyone that refers >100 people to GrowGetters the opportunity to introduce his/her project to the community. More
Also, if you haven't already, please sign up to the Facebook group. We already have many interesting conversations, and I feel the group will give each of us (newsletter) creators heaps of value in the future.
On a last note, I will start doing interviews with interesting people in the newsletter space. So If you know someone (or are someone) that everyone should know about, just comment below or write me a quick email.
That's it for this week; still a bit of housekeeping to do, so first things first: Get your newsletter listed in the directories above!
Have a great week, and let's keep growing!
Love it